The Caribbean Self-Forgiveness and Flourishing Project (CSFFP) stands as a pioneering initiative centered around forgiveness, particularly self-forgiveness, within the Caribbean region.

Supported and generously funded by The Templeton World Charity Foundation, this collaborative endeavour brings together partners from Luther College in the United States and the University of the Southern Caribbean in Trinidad and Tobago.

Research Study

The CSFFP is currently engaged in a comprehensive 4-part research study on self-forgiveness in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T):

Study 1 (N = 200)
This online survey delves into motivation and feasibility perceptions related to self-forgiveness improvement. The study has been completed.

Study 2 (N = 30)
A culturally adapted version of the REACH Self-Forgiveness intervention, involving small group educational workshops and focused discussions. This study has also concluded.

Study 3 (N = 1000)
A cross-cultural validity study was conducted through an online survey. Study closed.

Study 4 (N = 500)
Investigating the effectiveness of the REACH Self-Forgiveness intervention through in-person training delivered in group settings.

Project Goal

Our overarching goal is to develop a community-based self-forgiveness intervention. By addressing the pressing issues of suicide risk, addiction struggles, and mental health challenges in Trinidad and Tobago (and extending to the broader Caribbean), we aim to make a positive impact on individual well-being.

Key Objectives

  1. Reducing Suicide Risk: T&T faces alarmingly high suicide rates, placing it 37th globally according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Self-forgiveness can serve as a protective factor against self-condemnation and hopelessness.
  2. Addressing Addiction Struggles: Substance abuse and addiction often stem from inner turmoil. Our intervention seeks to alleviate this burden through self-forgiveness.
  3. Enhancing Mental Health: We hypothesize that the REACH Self-Forgiveness intervention will not only alleviate emotional distress but also improve overall mental health.